Thursday, August 21, 2008


Camp Milton Historic Preserve
Watercolor by Gayle M.


ABNPOPPA said...


Finally got a chance to pop over and view the site. Gayle's watercolors are wonderful. I myself cannot draw a straight line w/o a ruler. Looks like Mark has a photographers eye also. Peaceful, graceful and quite shots, you can almost hear the waves lapping on the shoreline.

I noticed your Army countdown over at Airborne Dad, I guess Sarge has made up his mind. Two tours is enough, time for him to stay home.

Good luck with the rain. commenting from a very dry Ohio

MightyMom said...

had to go back and look, I'd missed it.

not re-enlisting huh? can't blame him. bet Mom's relieved (or will be in 379 days!)

I'm loving this site...why you keep it quiet for so long???